UKCA marking for structural steel to BS EN 1090-1 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures.
Product marking is a 'passport to trade' and helps construction product manufacturers access markets. From 1 January 2021 BM TRADA is able to offer the UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) mark to manufacturers of construction products. This a new product mark applicable to goods being placed on the market in in England, Wales and Scotland (Great Britain). In addition to this, we are able to provide provide product marking to the separate product mark applicable to the Northern Ireland market (the UKNI mark).
UKCA marking for Structural Steel to BS EN 1090-1 standard is a legal requirement for products sold to the UK construction market.
Therefore, anyone designing and / or manufacturing steel frame or steel components for the UK market must comply, and failure to do so can have serious consequences to you and your business.
How to achieve UKCA marking structural steel certification
To achieve certification, manufacturers, contractors and fabricators will need to demonstrate compliance to BS EN 1090-1: 2009 + A1:2011 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures part 1 – Requirements for conformity assessment of structural components.
The standard explains that all structural steel is safety critical and therefore all manufacturing will need to be carried out in a controlled manner.
This means that the manufacturer / distributor must document and implement a Factory Production Control (FPC) system and have the system certified by an Approved Body. The manufacturer / distributor will also need to produce a Declaration of Performance (DoP).
This is a legal document that must be produced by the manufacturer / distributor and supplied with the product(s).
BS EN 1090-2: 2008 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures part 2 – Technical requirements for the execution of steel structures, outlines what is required to ensure steel structures and components meet adequate levels of mechanical resistance, stability, serviceability and durability.
The standard sets out four Execution Classes (EXC’s), as given below. These classes are based on the end use of the structure and how critical it would be if it failed:
- EXC1 – e.g. Agricultural buildings
- EXC2 – e.g. Residential or Commercial structures
- EXC3 – e.g. Bridges
- EXC4 – e.g. Special structures (long-span bridges etc.)
For EXC2, 3 and 4 all welding activities must be controlled by a Responsible Welding Coordinator.
Responsible Welding Coordinator (RWC)
Manufacturers / distributors of products falling within EXC2, 3 and 4 must have, or have access to, a RWC and all welding functions must be supervised / controlled by the RWC.
If the RWC fulfills the requirements of the following, then the competency requirements for an RWC is deemed to be met:
- International Welding Engineer (IWE)
- International Welding Technologist (IWT)
- International Welding Specialist (IWS).
Otherwise the RWC must demonstrate competence to the requirements of EN ISO 14731, Welding coordination - Tasks and responsibilities, and the relevant part of EN ISO 3834, Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials.
This competence must be proved by means of a training certificate that specifically states the training covered the requirements of the above standards and the training provider must be deemed acceptable by BM TRADA.
Organizations must prepare for the end of recognition of the CE mark in Great Britain and use the UKCA mark by 30 June 2025.UKCA marking experts are here to help
Our certification experts understand the specific requirements of the product marking within the UK and European Union. We understand that you may have questions about how the new arrangement will work. Please contact us to talk about your specific requirements about UKCA/UKNI/CE marking.
Visit our certified company list to find suppliers of BM TRADA certified products or services.
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