Why do you need fire door maintenance training?
There is a legal requirement for those responsible for buildings under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order (RRFSO) to ensure that all fire doors are able to resist the passage of fire and continue to retain that ability throughout their working life.
The maintenance of fire doors requires expert knowledge, however, and a doorset's fire resistance capabilities can be seriously compromised if not maintained by an individual with appropriate training in maintaining this complex life safety product.
Why do you need Q-Mark certification for your fire door maintenance training?
Becoming not just trained in fire door maintenance, but Q-Mark certified as a Fire Door Maintainer, provides added reassurance to your customers that you are suitably qualified to carry out maintenance work to a standard that will allow the fire door to perform as required.
BM TRADA Q-Mark Fire door maintenance training course details
Our Q-Mark fire door maintenance certification scheme training program comprises of a classroom seminar, followed by a written examination.
Successful completion of this course is a mandatory requirement of being awarded Q-Mark certification.
Designed specifically for those responsible for fire door maintenance and repair, the program covers:
- Understanding the requirements for fire door maintenance
- The scope of the scheme
- The process for conducting fire door maintenance
- The importance of fire door risk assessment
- Accepted repair techniques
- A written exam.
Pre-course requirements
Places are only available to those who also complete BM TRADA's 'Fire Doors Explained training course' and have applied for Q-Mark fire door maintenance certification.
To inquire about this course or get a quotation please contact:
adam.osborn@bmtrada.com / 01494 840 779

Our Capabilities
BM TRADA is a certification body and training provider and does not provide any consultancy during public or private training.
Although trainers will answer questions and provide information on best practices during the course, they do not provide specific consultancy, nor solutions or advice relating to organization issues.
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